Live In The Moment

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I think we have all heard this often enough, I know I have. “Live in The moment”…. the question is what does it mean and how do you do it? You know I have caught myself living in the moment not knowing how I got there and also wanting to without knowing how. The truth is it is not always that easy to do ~ I have been kinda studying it and thought I might throw out my finding or my perception of living in the moment. Living in the moment for me is like a full concentration on where I am and what I am doing ~ fully immersed! This means that it has my total attention ~ I am experiencing what it looks like, how it feels, it’s sound, it’s taste…. basically I am experiencing it as it is, through all of my senses in real time without judgment or thoughts of changing it. You literally become part of it. This is not always easy to do because most of the time we are thinking about what happened yesterday and/or worried about what will happen tomorrow. Practicing living in the moment is just like a meditation ~ practicing letting go of the past hurts, thoughts, feelings and the future thoughts and worries and allowing yourself to just be where you are fully experiencing life through all of your senses. When we are not living in the moment it’s kinda like we are split into pieces experiencing past, present and future thoughts and feelings all at once. (Our energy is split!) We feel scattered and torn from the moment (watered down). Ultimately what is happening now is real, what happened yesterday is pulling us back and thoughts of what will happen tomorrow are trying to drag us forward. Picture yourself being pulled in two different directions…. it’s not fun. Living in the moment is standing where you are without the pull back or forward. It’s like feeling something with all of your heart and soul. It is knowing the solid truth and beauty of every moment in completeness. Not waiting for something to show up or afraid of something being taken away. It is being a part of everything all at once and recognizing that you are part of the dance of all of creation! Like stepping into a magical dream and not wanting to leave. Living in the moment is knowing and being without a thought. It is the pure flow of love and beauty and belonging ~ it is your Divine truth in all of it’s potency. You are free, you are the beginning, the middle and the end all at once ~ you are complete ~ nothing to add, nothing to take away, you are a part of everything, You are purely Divine! Unburden yourself , practice living in the moment ~ and you will find your truth!

~ Colleen

(The voice of Gabriel Free)

Letting Go

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One of the toughest things that we all need to do in this life is to let go. Let go of the past, let go of people, let go of circumstances, let go of hurt, let go of the way we thought it would be, let go, let go, let go…… etc. The hardest one for me has been letting go of people. Some of them have died, some of them still live. No matter which one it is, what we need to deal with ultimately is the disconnection that we feel when we lose them.. We invest ourselves in the people that are a part of our lives, Our relationships are kinda like 2 circles that overlap , when one disappears the part of you that held space for them feels empty and disconnected and of course, you hurt. There are no simple answers for overcoming the loss of people in your life but there is something you can do that will help you to learn how to let go……….. hold on to the purpose that they played in your life. What they taught you, how they inspired you, what you loved about them, what you thought their main purpose was in life, how they effected people, what was important to them, how did they make you feel, the sound of their voice, their laugh, how they changed your perspective, what they took time for, how they supported you, how they loved you,… take all of these things from their life and honor them in yours. That’s how you fill in the gap. That’s how you turn your pain into purpose. Bring pieces of them into your life and continue to share them with others. Use these precious pieces of their life to inspire others just as they inspired you because when you do…. they live on!
For you Mom ~ thank you for your love, inspiration, perseverance and dedication ~ ❤ xo
~ Colleen Sidun
The voice of

Gabriel Free


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When you set boundaries, you empower yourself! You give yourself space to live and create your life in your own way. It is very easy to get pulled into the worlds opinions and priorities ~ especially if you are a “healer”. ~ It is a beautiful and compassionate thing to want to help people ~ but ultimately we all have to do it for ourselves. Boundaries give you the space to keep your foundation strong ~ allowing yourself room to do the things you need to do to stay focused, passionate, balanced and on purpose so that when you step into the world you are stable.and confident. It is self-love, It;s saying “no”, it’s having compassion for yourself ~ so that when you are out in the world you bring that compassion with you! Give your life the room that it needs to breathe and grow so that you can bring your light to the world.

~ “When I set boundaries, I create space for myself,
to be who I am.” ~ Colleen

Living on the inside

the voice of Gabriel Free



It’s About Love

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This is what I want today ~I want to be happy, I want to smile. I want to laugh with someone until it hurts. I want to pick something up that someone dropped. I want to hum freely . I want to dream. I want to taste my food. I want to please someone. I want to make someone feel loved. I want to tell someone that I believe in them. I want to breathe deeply and feel the life that stirs within me- the power that hides in my bones… and I want to use it ~ to do good. I want to encourage someone. I want to tell someone they are doing something right, I want to plant something ~ an idea perhaps, a perspective that is positive , magical – and watch it spread through the masses like a good virus. I want to inspire . I want to feel good at the end of the day. I want to sigh from relief and feel like I did a job well done. I want to be peaceful. I want to be truthful.. I want to make a difference.

I believe that we all want these things but somewhere along the way we got lost. and we  get panicked. We forgot that we are good. We got caught up in the chaos and judgment and fear that hangs so heavy in this world. It became about protection and in a strange way, we did it for “love”. A love that was so peaceful and perfect that we were willing to fight for it , to defend it, no matter what. I think that is where it started. That is where we gave birth to fear and lost our real power because we forgot that we are all good, We learned what instant gratification was and we used it to give the illusion of power however fleeting.  We started to just take what we could get no matter who got in our way, It became them against us. We are all starving for Love, We forgot that love does not fight. It’s about love. Always has been .always will be.


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If you are wondering what you can do…..LOVE ~ be kind, listen, take care of yourself, refuse to fight or argue, spend time in nature, eat well, reach out to someone, compliment someone, meditate, build relationships up, do peaceful things, do things that make you feel content and on purpose, cook for someone, let someone know you miss them, take care of yourself, create, refuse to judge, express positively, exercise, read, write, learn, grow, sleep, heal, tell someone you care about them, speak gently with healing words…. (infinity) ~ don’t join the chaos ~contribute to changing it! All of us have a choice ~ we choose the energy that we accept into our lives. It is up to each of us to decide that we will not be part of the problem. ~ it is up to each of us to recognize that the energy that we accept in our lives is what we carry with us and share with the world and with the people that we love. We are the solution!!!! We each have a choice to make. The world needs LOVE right now ~ fight back with love. Be it and Share it!
~ Colleen Sidun
The voice of Gabriel Free


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It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by life and the experiences that it brings to us. If we are not careful each one of these experiences forms a layer over our hearts. Before you know it our hearts are frozen with fear, anger, sadness, smothered , unable to move. I have been here many times on my journey. But I have learned how to take back my heart, excavate the layers and let them go. Peace. It’s that simple. It is the magic ingredient that melts the layers that hold your heart hostage. It is the vibrant healing energy that changes the color of your thoughts, it paints hope in your perceptions and weaves love in your very cells to creates the balance in your life to open up your heart exposing your purpose, your knowing. Peace itself is a journey that needs to run parallel with every journey in our lives. No matter what it is up against… it is stronger. The harsher the experience ~ the harder you need to work to create peace. This is what Living on the inside is all about for me. It’s how I fight back, create balance, connect with my soul purpose, allow my intuition to flow and evolve on my rightful path and create the healing that I need. I have learned that as long as peace is my purpose I am on the right path and the rewards are timeless. Trust me, you will rise gently from the heaviness of life and see things from the tallest mountain leaving nothing to fear. Peace is the key!

Peace opens the door to your heart
Your Heart opens the door to your soul
Your Soul holds your purpose
Seek Peace

~ Colleen Sidun
The voice of Gabriel Free

You Have A Choice

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When you go to the grocery store ,what do you choose to put in your basket ? Do you choose the things you want or the things you don’t want? Of course we choose the things we want. Try to look at every day like this ~ choose to pay attention to things that you want in your life. Be drawn to inspiring , happy peaceful things and create them for others to choose. What we entertain in our minds is what we purchase for the day. Avoid the drama and negativity because no matter what ~ we pay for it ~ What are you putting in your basket today? It’s your choice!

Saying Yes and Feeling No

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Every time you say “yes” but really,  “feel No”, you block yourself, ignore yourself, smother your voice and you end up feeling sadness and anger. When we don’t allow who we are, what we think and how we feel to be expressed in our life, a little part of us dies inside, we don’t allow ourselves to exist. We feel purposeless, empty, not worthy and powerless. When I started my journey with Living on the inside 7 years ago I began to observe myself. I had spent a lifetime observing others, knowing what they needed, how they felt, what they liked and disliked, how to please them , even manipulate them if I wanted to. It was survival for me to know the people around me so that I new what to expect, how to react and what I needed to do to keep the peace. And I did keep the peace ……. for everyone except myself. If they were happy, I was happy. If they were sad, I was sad, If they were angry, I was upset. The result ~ Anxiety and Depression! I had trained my mind to never think about myself, to ignore myself. Everything I thought about and acted on was based on how the people around me were feeling and what they were doing. I invested myself in all of the things that were completely out of my control. The day that I actually recognized this was the day that I wrote in my journal ~ “I’m not going to live this way anymore” When I began observing myself, it was difficult because I was unfamiliar with how I felt, what I thought, and what I liked or disliked. It took time to recognize the feelings that were “mine” because my mind was trained to know everyone else’s. I actually said yes and felt No, and observed how I felt and learned that I was sad and angry because I never chose me. I saw what I was doing to myself … I would make some plans for the weekend, things that I wanted to accomplish and was kinda excited about but at the end of the weekend I would see that I pushed them aside to help someone else fulfill their plans. I was always making room for everyone else and ignoring what I wanted. I realized that there was no one to be angry with but myself. I was making myself sad and angry. I was saying Yes to everyone else and No to me. By listening to myself I have brought some joy to my life by allowing myself to be who I am. My struggle in this life is not in loving others, I am very good at that ~, it is in loving myself and allowing myself in my life. I work on it everyday but it is not a burden, it is my passion and my purpose. My journey has taught me that I am gifted in knowing others but the greatest gift of this life has been found in knowing myself.

Dear Universe

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PLEASE take away
the pain, the anger, the sadness,
the grief, the harsh words, the doubt,
the fear, the anxiety, the confusion, the loss, the tears, the suffering, the misunderstandings,
the sleepless nights, the isolation, the clashing of perceptions, the dashing of hopes, the shame, the guilt, the disconnection, the division, the lack of trust, the loneliness, the buried hearts, the burdens and the oceans
between us.
PLEASE give us
the love, the respect, the compassion,
the strength, the understanding, the trust, the ability, the will, the passion, the purpose, the words, the hope, the clarity, the peace, the grace, the dedication, the motivation and the determination to overcome together, to grow together, to rise together, to open our hearts together and to be victorious

~ Colleen                     please take away please give us

Study Yourself

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It’s not easy to be yourself in this world. We are constantly inundated with what is right, what is wrong, what is beautiful, what is ugly, how you should act, how you should feel, what you should see etc We are floating in an ocean of judgement and fear. Afraid to step out of the lines and draw the attention of the crowds that will mock us and shame us back into line with our tails between our legs. Ah, the “power” of the crowd! What we don’t realize is that the crowd is full of fear. They lock arms and use brute force to make themselves feel powerful. But it is fleeting ~ it becomes a chore of everyday, day in and day out, to keep up the fight. They lay silent and afraid in their bed at night when they are alone ~ just them. It is a hard life to keep up with the “Joneses” or to hide in plain site. I did this for years. It is the addiction that no one speaks of. You just keep doing what is expected of you and you get lost, buried in the cesspool of acceptance. That is the “outside world” All of the things you think and feel ~ your truth ~ are still there, just under the surface. You are just not listening to them. It’s hard to listen honestly and allow the thoughts to express themselves when you have been trained, conditioned to ignore them. When you do you will recognize that your true thoughts and feelings are different that what you live. You will look over your shoulder just in case someone catches you thinking differently.They are still there ,however. They are waiting patiently for your attention and validation. Your lack of attention to them is responsible for the sadness that sits in your heart every day. There is a you in there that is incredibly unique and carries your unique purpose with it. If you get to know it, observe it, study it, let it breathe, it will reward you with a “power” that you have never known. A power that is kind and gentle and loving and never-ending. It will be foundational in your life. It will help you to see the good in everyone you meet because you can see it in you. It will quiet your sadness and spread compassion. It will bring you home to a place that you feel like you have always belonged. You will see life from the perspective of a SOUL. You will recognize the pain that you have felt, in others and you will want to heal it. Every challenge that you face will be about growth and every mountain that you climb will be about purpose. It will give you the soft place to fall that you have been looking for. Study yourself ~ and allow the goodness that resides in you to be free. That my friends is Living on the inside . My wish is that each of you will find the “real power” that is waiting for you to discover it! ~ Colleenstudy yourself